Integrity Ministries exists to encourage and to unite the body of Christ in complete understanding of the mystery of God through the wisdom, power, and knowledge of the Holy Spirit.
The current church body as a whole is in a dangerous sleeping mode, needing awakened to the reality that Jesus is coming back soon. The purpose of Integrity Ministries is to reach, teach and preach in whatever way necessary to get the Church to arise to the calling it has been given to walk with Christ with full Integrity.
The current church body as a whole is in a dangerous sleeping mode, needing awakened to the reality that Jesus is coming back soon. The purpose of Integrity Ministries is to reach, teach and preach in whatever way necessary to get the Church to arise to the calling it has been given to walk with Christ with full Integrity.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the key to the mystery of God. Learning more about Jesus helps us know the heart of the Father. He gave up the splendor of heaven to walk among us in the flesh. He demonstrated how to live out the expectations of the Father. He gave Himself for us as a final sacrifice and redeemed us from the chains of sin so we can have eternal life with Him.
Jesus paid this price for each of us but it is up to each of us to choose to accept that payment. Once we except it the Holy Spirit comes into our heart and teaches us how to live for Him by guiding us to understand the written word, how to live by faith according to the word, and by empowering us to do and be more than we ever thought we could. This part of the message focuses our eyes on Jesus. Our Savior, our Rock, our Redeemer, our Emmanuel, our Shepherd, our Lord, and our King. Unlocking the mystery that He is the only way to our eternal destiny with Him in heaven. |
The Holy Spirit inspired word of God is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. It is without mistakes and it is the divine word of God. It contains His redemptive story and unconditional love. Jesus Christ came to earth to walk out that story and demonstrated that love as an example for us.
The world is quick to give an answer to all life's problems and all problems point back to man being influenced by Satan, directly or indirectly. He wants only to kill, steal, or destroy all God has accomplished in us. God's word gives us truth and power to face all of life's problems and all the truth and power points back to Him. This part of the message teaches us how to study and understand the Old and New Testaments as they relate to our relationship with God the Father, through faith in Jesus Christ the Son, being led by the Holy Spirit. |
We must do more than speak with our mouths that Jesus is Lord. We must also believe in our heart that Jesus is Lord to be saved. Isaiah tells us to be on guard about just drawing near to God with mouth and lips and having our hearts far from Him and Jesus tells us that many will call Him Lord, Lord, but He will have to say to some that He don't even know them because they didn't live a life dedicated to serving Him.
Joshua, in his farewell address, exhorts the children of God to choose this day whom they will serve. He proclaimed his choice loud and strong that he would serve the Lord. This part of the message is to help believers learn to walk in the power and authority of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit so that you can respond like Joshua, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." |
Available for speaking engagements in a variety of settings such as revival services, small groups, or conferences.